From formalism to merit: civil service reform in Romania

After its accession to the European Union on 1st January 2007, one of the most important objectives of Romania has been the convergence with the rest of EU members not only in nominal terms, but also in real ones: competitiveness, wealth, poverty reduction, institutional capacity. Almost ten years after EU accession, we can say that significant progress has been realized in many areas, but in terms of institutional capacity Romania is facing the opposite of convergence: the divergence. Read more… (Victor Giosan)


Contracting Out Public Services to NGO (Comparative Practices in Asian Countries)

In Asian countries, contracting out public services to Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) has been recognized as usual practice to support government function. This study found that their contractual agreement with the government strikes the nature of NGO as self-governing institutions, non-profit orientation, and independency. Read more… (Dodik Setiawan Nur Heriyanto)