Court of Justice of the EU on drinking water policy: Member States are obliged not to authorise a project that may cause a deterioration in the quality of a body of water

According to the rules, the approval of a project is only possible when the implementation does not adversely affect the quality of the drinking water provided to the inhabitants in the affected area. The Regional Office for Mining, Geology and Raw Materials, Cottbus (Germany) approved an application submitted by Lausitz Energie Bergbau AG for the construction of an artificial lake, the overflow of which would flow into the river Spree. Upon creation of the lake, the water leaving the overflow would have a significantly higher sulphate concentration than the water already in the Spree. Read more… (Ildikó Krivanics)

Will re-municipalisation in water sector influence donor policies?

Increasing number of re-municipalisation cases and enhancing public influence in service provision indicate a major policy shift in public service management. The former privatisation trend in water management and other infrastructure services seem to be reversed. The question is whether international donors, financing institutions and technical assistance programs acknowledge these changes and take into account this new political reality? Read more… (Gábor Péteri)