Smith v. Spizzirri: U.S. Supreme Court Landmark Decision on Arbitration and Judicial Efficiency

The Supreme Court’s ruling in Smith v. Spizzirri marks a crucial development in arbitration law by enforcing the requirement that courts must stay proceedings when arbitration is applicable. This significant decision resolves inconsistencies among circuit courts, creating a more predictable and uniform application of the Federal Arbitration Act. By upholding the validity of arbitration agreements, the Court’s decision enhances judicial efficiency and strengthens the arbitration process.

Women’s Rights and Access to Justice in Bangladesh: An Overview

One of the most important factors affecting women’s position in society is their legal status. Bangladesh has enacted a number of laws protecting women’s rights, but these have been largely ineffective in improving the status of women. The primary reasons for this are: inadequate laws, women’s difficult access to justice, negative traditional and cultural attitudes towards women’s rights, lack of accountable and transparent authority, a costly and lengthy legal system, inefficiency of the judiciary and other socio-economic factors. This article aims to highlight some solutions that could ensure women’s access to justice. Read more… (Syeda Afroza Zerin – Lutfunnessa Sagor) 

The importance of a discussion about robot tax

There is a new record of robots in use, as the data of the International Federation of Robotics shows. In 2022, the number of operational robots in use reached an astonishing 3,500,000 units. Although most of the newly deployed robots „got a job” in Asia, there was a 24% percent increase in the European region, up to 84,302 new units in one year. Read more… (Sebestyén Márk Pella)

Are the new member states on the verge of the EU accession? – The latest dilemmas of the enlargement policy

In the light of the latest events, the leaders of the European Union are under pressure, mainly for geostrategic reasons, which prompts them to think about the enlargement of the Union – however, this will have many consequences for the EU’s institutions, policies, and budget. In view of all this, twelve experts from France and Germany have taken a stand n how the EU could adapt to its new members – the perspective raises the reform of institutions, treaties and the budget, while Ukraine, Moldova and the Western Balkan countries can prepare for the EU accession. Read more… (Petra Olesnyovics)

Kinship carer or relative foster parent? – financial implications of temporary fostering of a child

The present research shows that there are cases where a child is not placed with relatives because the legal institution of relative foster care is not commonly known in everyday life and the parties involved are not aware of it during the guardianship proceedings. The legal institution of foster care by a relative can, if properly regulated, create the possibility in many individual cases for a child to be brought up by his or her family until one of the parents is able to take him or her back, or even permanently, since fostering can be maintained until the child becomes independent, in which case it can also provide a post-foster status or financial support for the young adult’s start in life. For this to happen, however, the parties involved must be aware of the option. Read more… (Eszter Hegedüs)

Corruption in International Commercial Arbitration: The Arbitrator’s Role

When the use of international commercial arbitration to resolve disputes is on the rise, arbitral tribunals must play a significant part in achieving an international anti-corruption effort. Tribunals and arbitrators encounter several challenges when dealing with corruption cases. Therefore, a clear understanding of the arbitrator’s role in investigating corruption, especially in the absence of party allegations should be addressed and tackled. Read more… (Layan Al Fatayri)

Crisis Management in the EU Competitive Market – The Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union

Air transport is one of the sectors most affected by the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 crisis. As a result of the government’s response to the effects of the crisis, the trend towards increased competition in the sector in recent decades seems to have been reversed, at least temporarily, mainly by strengthening the market position of larger companies owned by or of strategic importance to the state. This paper presents a methodological example for examining the expansion of the state’s role in a particular regulatory area. More specifically, it examines how the impact of the COVID-19 crisis can be measured in the evolution of ECJ case law on the legality of state aid. Read more… (Ildikó Bartha)

It Happened Almost Overnight – the Rise of E-scooters Across the European Union

The immense boost of dockless electric scooter (e-scooter) fleets in the cities in the European Union occurred like wildfire. There were, for example, more than 15,000 scooters available for rent on the streets of Paris, and in Cologne, authorities expected as many as 40,000 users by the end of 2019. It is estimated that currently there are over 360,000 e-scooters available for rent on European streets. Read more… (Petra Ágnes Kanyuk)

2024: The Year of Common Chargers

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had three or four different mobile phone chargers at home and still couldn’t charge your new smartphone with any of them? Only one year from now, you can finally say goodbye to such problems, as another segment of the European Union’s internal market is being harmonized: by 2024, a common charger for mobile devices and other electronic devices will finally be introduced. Read more… (Roxána Bereczki)

Attentive searchers or lazy users? – The development and types of the image of the average consumer in European Union law

Nowadays the people can easily fulfil their wishes via various online platforms, websites in just a few seconds. However, in the midst of fulfilling said desires, the average consumer can easily become a victim of a scam; a topic we have already discussed in a previous article on practices commonly referred to as “dark patterns”. Therefore, it is worth asking what kind of behavior should be expected from consumers in order to be able to say that they have done everything expected, and can we talk about consumer groups that need to be protected in particular? Read more… (Dominik Boros)