Journal of the MTA-DE Public Service Research Group
Aims and Scope
Public Goods & Governance is a semi-annual academic journal, aims to publish original material within the field of public policy, public management, governance and administration. This includes articles, shorter notes and comments based on theoretically and empirically grounded research on public goods, public service delivery and other public functions in a wide range of sectors, especially focused on recent challenges of governmental roles and new governance models in the market economies.
The journal welcomes submissions (articles, notes and comments) from anywhere in the world from both academics and practitioners. The maximum word limit for articles is 1500 words. Notes (not full academic papers presenting new phenomena, ideas or methods in a brief form) and comments providing additional thoughts and critical remarks to previously published articles should not exceed 800 words.
Mission of the Journal
Governmental roles are facing new challenges again in the market-based economy. Both the welfare state and the socialistic state aimed to widen the scope of intervention, however their instruments and conditions were very different. In contrary to this situation, reactions of liberalism in the late 20th century and regime changes aimed to minimize the power of the state. As part of the learning and adapting process through crisis we may witness a brand new type of shift in public services. These days the main question however, is not the degree of state intervention but the method of it. The truth is that less function never meant absolute recession or keeping equal distance from the market-based economy. Governments acting on various levels may still apply unusually new and different, sometimes shocking instruments.
During the continuous crisis situations it became clear that non-market based economies and dictatorships are immanent parts of global economy. So far democracies always fought against them emphasizing the harmful nature of such regimes. This approach is still the dominant one. Economic and environmental symbiosis of them is getting more and more obvious even in such circumstances.
Possession of all these knowledge the contents of the public sector, the forms of governance, the roles of the state and the liability of communities are in the foreground again. The Public Goods and Governance Journal and the attached blog are aiming to show, analyze and find answers to the newest developments and paradoxes in Hungary and other countries in our world too.
The Journal and the blog are dedicated to modern market-based economies and the values of democratic state formations.
Our mission to facilitate ideas, arguments and recommendations related to these problems with a forum, creating a community for debates that cannot be conducted elsewhere.